Selling on VHDM through Painting for Profits

Are You Trying to sell to a Larger Audience Online?

I'm so excited to tell you what you can expect from the Virtual Home Decor Marketplace membership! Not only will I show you how to start selling, but I give you a platform with a HUGE following- to sell Live on Virtual Home Decor Marketplace!

Join this membership to get started for $10 a month. You will learn how to sell inside the group!

What do you Get?

  1. Wednesday Posts Access- post 12 items a month! (If you sold 12 items at just $20 each you could make over $240) A great return on your investment, because our customers buy as soon as they can!
  2. Access to Purchase Live Sales Slots-We have live sales every weekend! You can sign up for as many time slots as you want! We have vendors who can sell anywhere from $300to $3k in 30 minutes depending on what you sell!
  3. Access to our community -Zoom calls to chat and share with other members who also love selling and crafting just as much as you do
  4. AND our fantastic community of other vendors who started selling online for the first time last year and their businesses have changed forever.

Hi! I'm Teri and I began Painting for Profits.

This has been a growing year for me in this business of hosting a membership group and I have learned so much. What started as a painting group for painters soon added in the aspect of selling our finished products online. Its changing crafter's lives.

We require our members to follow some general guidelines, to keep a great community and organization. You have three options first if you are a member of Painting for Profits or The Social Divas your fee is $10 a month for the selling group which allows you to sell on Wednesday free posts days where you can post up to three items. This gives you a chance to sell at least 12 products a month free of charge which will help pay your membership fees. When you are ready to sell live there is a fee of $100 per 30 minutes.

If you are not a member of P4P or The Social Divas the membership fee to be in the Selling group is $29.95 a month and you can still sell on the Wednesday posts days free of charge and you have the option to sell Live for 30 minutes at a fee of $100.

The third option is $100 a month and you can sell every weekend if you would like. That means 4-5 one half hour sales for $100 its a great deal.

If you have never sold during a Facebook Live sale you will need to take a course on how to sell LIVE on Facebook. That course is a one time fee of $19. In order to get you trained in how to schedule your sales and the groups you need to be in there is a one time fee of $50 where you will have direct access to our administrator who will walk you through the process. You will also get your first sale for free and then you can decide if you want to proceed.

We have a data base of over 80 vendors who sell on the marketplace. You should watch how they sell and you can see how successful they are depending on their product and how they showcase their products. After you go live and sell products take those customers to your page and keep selling to them. I view the selling platform as I am a craft show promotor getting people to your store and then you take them and make them into buyers that you can sell to all the time. You can't grow your business with Facebook ads that get this kind of result. I am continuously advertising growing this group of buyers. You must have a Facebook business page to sell. Just like a craft show we have over 18k customers and you will gain an audience once they get to know you and start buying your products.

And, there is so much more. God gave me a talent that made my dreams come true. Now, its my turn to teach you everything I learned the hard way.

You can reach me at [email protected] if you have any questions. We do have a jurying process if you want to sell so please attach three photos of your product and fill out the form by clicking this blue button.


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